Monday, June 2, 2008

They're Back

Well Julia and Lee have been here now since the 16th of May. Plans are to return to England Jun. 26th. We took Lee to the lake so we could teach him how to wakeboard. That boy never gave up. He just kept saying "one more time". We must have pulled him up 60 times trying to get him up. Dave, Julia and Lee went out the following day and he finally got it. Where was the camera when you needed it? Left at home.
We went out again on Memorial Day Weekend and the wind was blowing pretty hard and there eventually were a lot of boats on the water making waves. Wake boarding was not a good sport that day but we tubed and knee boarded instead. I did get a water ski run in before the water got chopped up. We took the boat into a cove and just hung out for awhile and sunbathed. It really was relaxing and felt great to veg out and watch the big white puffy clouds go by. Lee is a little reluctant to hang out in the water. Someone has been telling him stories of huge fish that swim in the Lake called Gar.
This weekend we ended up going to College Station, Tx to watch Dave's nephew Derrick play baseball in the College World Series Regional Playoffs. His team is the University of Illinois at Chicago. The trick was trying to figure out which game to attend since you never know when a pitcher gets thrown into the lineup. His first game was Fri. night against Texas A&M. It didn't turn out to well and Derrick ended up pitching and A&M continued to hit and score. If you know anything about pitchers they usually don't pitch 2 games in a row sometimes 3 games go by before they pitch again. Lucky for us he only pitched 1 inning on Fri. so the outlook was good that he'd pitch again either Sat. or Sun. To make a long story short we drove to College station Sat. morning watched his team beat the #2 seed Dallas Baptist and got to watch him pitch 4 innings of the Univ. of Houston game Sun. which they lost in extra innings 14-11. It was a great weekend . Dave's sister and husband Terry were there so we had a family weekend after all.
The wedding invitation business is still busy and thankfully I've had a couple of breaks in between so I could spend time with Julia and Lee.
Adeena is busy with her boyfriend Will these days . She couldn't join us in College Station because she had a prior commitment to floating the Guadalupe river with friends. She just returned from a trip to Ca. where she spent most of her time visiting the Neves side of the family.
That's all for now. The kids are off to Fl. tomorrow so it'll be quiet for awhile.

1 comment:

Barry and Shannon said...

I hear CO isn't too far away!